
DSE Offers丨Exciting News from UISZ: 持续录取喜报播报!

发布者:UISZ 增城誉德莱 2024-07-16 08:13:29

We're thrilled to share that two of our DSE students have been offered admission to Macau City University! Congratulations to these outstanding achievers on their remarkable accomplishment!


Recognizing Achievement 珍惜成就

Academic Excellence 学术卓越 

Both students have demonstrated outstanding academic performance throughout their studies.

Personal Growth 个人成长

They have also shown significant growth in leadership and extracurricular activities, embodying the holistic education approach at UISZ.

A Path to Success 成功之路

Receiving offers from Macau City University marks a significant milestone in their educational journey. We are confident they will continue to excel and contribute positively to their university community.


Join us in celebrating their success!



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