
Congratulations to the SIS Class of 2024!|祝贺SIS 2024届学生毕业!

发布者:SIS深圳市蛇口外籍人员子女学校 2024-06-06 09:00:43

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The Class of 2024 at Shekou International School (SIS) recently celebrated their remarkable achievements during a week-long graduation celebration. From the memorable G12 trip to the heartfelt traditions and inspiring ceremony, the week was filled with joy, tears, and an overwhelming sense of pride.

Clap Out: 

A Touching Tradition 

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On May 23rd, the SIS community honoured the graduating Class of 2024 in the heartwarming Clap Out tradition. Students from all grade levels, from early years to secondary, gathered at the three campuses to express their admiration and best wishes to the G12 graduates. 

As the graduates made their way through the halls of the Net Valley campus, they were met with heartfelt messages from their teachers. These educators, who played a crucial role in their academic and personal growth, shared emotional hugs with the graduates, creating enduring memories in the hearts of all who witnessed this beautiful farewell. 

The Graduation Ceremony: Commemorating Achievement 

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May 24th marked the pinnacle of the graduation celebration. With 31 graduates in attendance, the ceremony was an intimate affair honouring each student’s unique journey and accomplishments. 


The ceremony commenced with an inspiring welcome address from Mr. Matthew Doige, the Secondary Principal. He paid tribute to the Class of 2024’s educational exploration and encouraged the graduates to embrace the unknown, as life’s unexpected moments often hold the most extraordinary experiences. 


The head of school, Mr. Harish Kanabar, witnessed the graduates’ remarkable growth during seven years at SIS and commended the Class of 2024 for their hard work and perseverance. Using a humorous analogy, he illustrated that high school graduation is merely the beginning of life’s roller coaster ride. He emphasised the value of lifelong learning and empowered the graduates to approach the world with kindness, curiosity, and humility. 


Undoubtedly, the highlight of the ceremony was the presentation of diplomas. With immense pride, the graduates received their hard-earned diplomas. Their journey through the rigorous IB Diploma Programme has shaped them into resilient individuals, ready to take on new challenges and positively impact the world. 


Celebrating Together

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Following the Graduation Ceremony, the celebration continued with a delightful Banquet. The evening commenced with a heartfelt toast to the parents. Their unwavering support and dedication to their children's success were acknowledged and celebrated.

During the graduation banquet, SIS honoured graduates who demonstrated academic excellence, made extraordinary efforts, and showcased inspiring leadership throughout their time at SIS.

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Clap Out: 



5月23日,SIS全校师生齐聚一堂,共同为即将展翅高飞的毕业生们举行了Clap Out送别仪式。从幼儿园的小小壁虎学子到中学的青春骄子,大家分别在SIS的三个校区为毕业生们送上最真挚的祝福。





毕业典礼在中学校长Matthew Doige先生的激昂致辞中拉开帷幕。他赞扬了2024届毕业生在求学之路上取得的非凡成就。他鼓励毕业生们勇敢拥抱未知,因为生活中最非凡的经历往往来自那些意想不到的瞬间。

SIS总校长Harish Kanabar先生见证了毕业生们在SIS七年的辉煌成长,并高度赞扬了2024届毕业生的坚韧与毅力。他用幽默而富有深意的比喻,讲道,高中毕业只是人生过山之旅的开始。他强调了终身学习的重要性,并鼓励毕业生以善良、好奇心和谦逊的态度面对世界。







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