
Secondary News Issue 38

发布者:SIS深圳市蛇口外籍人员子女学校 2024-05-31 08:54:02

Dear SIS Gecko Secondary Parents, 


May 30, 2024



A Focus on Learning 


SIS Arcade

SIS 设计游乐场 

We had another successful Design Arcade today, Thursday, May 30. This event is based around the G7 Design unit that sees students design and produce a computer game based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Additionally, G8 students showcased their skateboard projects featuring originally shaped and graphically-designed decks. Grade 9 also displayed their mechanical games, such as pinball-like analog products. How cool and retro! Thanks for all the work that went into this exhibition.


G9 Science Class

G9 科学课

The G9 Science students are creating a mini science fair project as a collaborative endeavour in small groups. Then as a whole class, the students are joining forces to give an authentic experience of multiple engineering teams working together for a large automotive company. Leo, Ethan and Sean are figuring out how the length of a wheelbase affects the speed. Joanna, Isabella and Eva are looking into how the size of a balloon affects the straightness of travel. Gabriel, Eric, Evan and Lennox are experimenting how the diameter of a wheel affects the speed. 

9年级的科学课上创建了一个迷你科学博览会项目,全班分成小组努力合作,演绎一个由若干工程团队合作营运一家大型汽车公司的”真实”体验。Leo、Ethan 和Sean的团队正在研究轴距长度如何影响速度。Joanna、Isabella 和 Eva 则正在研究气球的大小如何影响运行的直线度,Gabriel、Eric、Evan和Lennox 的团队正在试验车轮直径如何影响速度。   

G10 IB Diploma Programme Transition – “The Core” Deep Dive

G10 过渡到 IB 文凭课程 - 深入了解 “核心课程”

The G10 students met with the CAS, Extended Essay, and TOK Coordinators on Wednesday afternoon to learn more about the Core of the IB Diploma Programme. In the session, students learned how aspects of the Core are scored or otherwise contribute to Programme completion. They also spent some time evaluating the ATL skills that are used throughout the Core, such as time management, research, and self-advocacy. They then did a self-evaluation on these skills and identified areas where they will need to grow as they begin their Diploma Programme studies.  


Spring Concert & Exhibition 

春季音乐会 & 展览 

The Spring Concert & Exhibition last Sunday was a resounding success, highlighted by original music tracks created by talented G9 students, captivating live music performances from middle and high school music classes, and the SIS Strings Ensemble and SIS Wind Band. In the lobby, the 'Music: Digital Creation Exhibition' featured impressive musical creations from G9 and G10 students, while the Housebuilding and Animal Rescue ASA raised funds through the sale of refreshing drinks and tasty snacks. It was a truly remarkable event that celebrated the creative talents and community spirit of our student body. Thank you for supporting our Geckos! 

If you missed the exhibition last Sunday, join us with the virtual exhibition here. 



G11 End of Semester Exams: At-school Independent Study Benefits 

G11 期末考试:自主在校学习时间

The G11 DP1 students have entered their second week of End of Semester exams and continue to make good use of flexible independent study spaces around the school. Studying at school gives students a chance to review with each other while having access to their teachers when needed. It also provides a chance for encouragement from the counseling staff to help manage their stress. Good luck, students, and bring on Summer! 

正在第二周学期末考试的G11 DP1的同学们继续充分地利用了学校周围灵活的自主学习空间。在校自修时间给他们提供了互相复习学习的机会,同时也可以需要时能与老师保持联系。这还提供了一个让顾问团队鼓励同学们并帮助他们管理学习压力的好机会。祝同学们好运,期待暑假的来临!



G12 Clap Out

G12 校园巡游 

All three SIS campuses, Jingshan, The Bay, and Net Valley participated in the Senior Clap-out. It was wonderful to see Geckos of all ages celebrating this huge milestone with our grads. Some touching moments were to see grads interact with teachers and TAs that they had in early years and primary. Thanks for such a fantastic time and support from parents that were able to attend.


Graduation Ceremony and Banquet

SIS 毕业典礼和毕业晚宴

On Friday, May 24, we celebrated our seniors with the Graduation Ceremony and Banquet. The Ceremony was the formal part of the evening which saw our grads receive their SIS diplomas. The banquet was a great time to eat a final meal together as a class and receive achievement awards, including subject awards, the Gecko Medallion for Community, the Principal’s Medallion for Leadership, and the Head of School Medallion for Academic Achievement. The Andaz Shenzhen was the perfect venue to make the event special.  


ParentEDU: G5->G6 Transition


We provided a re-run of the ParentEDU for the G5 > G6 transition. The event was well attended, and we enjoyed meeting some of our new Net Valley Gecko parents! We wish you all a great summer and look forward to having you at Secondary next year.  


HappeningsNet Valley


G8 Promotion - May 31 

八年级毕业升学典礼 - 5月31日

On May 31st, the Grade 8’s will participate in a Promotion Ceremony to commemorate the move from Middle School to High School. The day will begin in the Net Valley Theatre with the ceremony (parents invited!) at 8:45am and then students will continue to celebrate at X Joy Sports at Coastal City. Students will return to Net Valley in time for the usual dismissal at 3:35pm. 

5月31日八年级同学们将参加初中升高中的升学典礼。当天将于网谷校区剧场启动,早上8:45分同学们将和父母一起参加毕业升学典礼,随后他们前往海岸城 X Joy体育中心继续庆祝活动。同学们将于下午3:35分准时返校放学。

Gender Equality Day - May 31

性别平等日 - 5月31日 



Breakfast Survey - Net Valley 

早餐问卷 - 网谷校区

We would like to determine interest in having breakfast served at Net Valley next school year. Please express your interest in having access to a breakfast service at Net Valley by filling out THIS FORM. 


Upcoming Events


  • May 31 - G8 Promotion Ceremony 

  • May 31 - SIYO Concert SIS  

  • May 31 - Gender Equality Day

  • June 5 - Yearbook Distribution  

  • June 6 - Athletics Award Ceremony (livestreamed)  

  • June 7 - Academic Awards Assembly (livestreamed)

  • June 7 - School Dismissal 11:30 am

  • 5月31日 - 八年级毕业升学典礼

  • 5月31日 - SIYO 音乐会SIS  

  • 5月31日 - 性别平等精神日

  • 6月5日 - 年册发放

  • 6月6日 - 体育颁奖典礼 (现场直播)

  • 6月7日 - 学术颁奖典礼 (现场直播)

  • 6月7日 - 学期结束,中午11:30分放学

Go Geckos!   

Yours Respectfully, 

Secondary Leadership 

  • Matthew Doige – Secondary Principal 

  • Todd Brink – Assistant Principal High School

  • Corinne Norris – Assistant Principal Middle School

  • Thomas Mathews – Director of Athletics & Activities

  • Erin Garnhum – Diploma Programme Coordinator 

  • Dani Priambodo – Middle Years Programme Coordinator 

  • Michael Busbee – Learning Innovation Coach  


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