
SIS & Little Wish | Illuminating the Dreams of Special Children

发布者:SIS深圳市蛇口外籍人员子女学校 2024-05-16 08:36:21

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Recently, SIS and Little Wish·Micro Charity joined hands to fulfill the dreams of children in need. The partnership, one of many community partnerships SIS has established, was created to help provide service to a local organisation and work together to help elevate both local communities and SIS students on a journey towards long-term personal well-being and the well-being of the wider world.   

In February and March, Grade 9 and 10 students explored ways they could provide a service to the broader community, with four Grade 10 students and seventeen Grade 9 students choosing to support families in need through the Little Wish organisation. The stories of the families deeply resonated with our students and inspired them to take action. In their efforts to impact the families of Little Wish and to develop global citizenship competencies, students raised funds and were selected. They purchased the gifts and planned and coordinated a reception to make meaningful connections with the families.

Throughout the process, SIS students demonstrated the IB Learner Profile, researching and learning how to support an organisation like Little Wish and children with needs, showing empathy and respect to the families and taking the responsibility of contributing to the community.  

On May 12th, the students held the reception at the Bay campus with six special families and the Little Wish organisers. They spent a memorable time with SIS students and teachers, participating in social activities, enjoying painting and crafting, and having fun on the playground as they shared stories and got to know each other better.

A heartwarming moment included the students giving the gift wishes to the families, knowing these items would help them and bring happiness. As the children received their gifts, their faces lit up with bright smiles. The mother of one of the children, Xiaoze, expressed her profound gratitude to the SIS students and teachers, saying, "Thank you for your thoughtful preparation. You have made us feel immense warmth and care." 

To provide families with further support, SIS opened their Mianfei Bay, which allowed the families to select suitable living supplies, clothing, children's toys, and more. The reception concluded with everyone sharing gratitude and heartfelt thanks for the thoughtful arrangements and the uplifting reception. 

Mr. Todd Brink, the Secondary School Assistant Principal, stated, "Service learning is an important part of our curriculum and the IB Programme. As IB learners, students focus on their academic development and build the skills and competencies for community engagement and development." He further emphasised that SIS would continue to strengthen its connection with the community, with the aim of inspiring our students to become principled, innovative contributors in a transforming world.  

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Best wishes, 

SIS Communications

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为了进一步支持这些家庭,SIS开放了Mianfei Bay(闲置物品室),让家庭可以选择适合的生活用品、衣物、儿童玩具等。见面会在大家的感激和真诚关怀中圆满结束,家长们纷纷对学校周到的安排和学生们暖心的接待表达了衷心的感谢。

SIS 中学副校长Todd Brink先生表示:“Service Learning(服务学习)是我们课程和IB国际文凭项目的重要组成部分。作为IB学习者,学生们不仅关注自己的学术发展,更积极投身社区服务发展技能。”他强调,SIS将继续深化与社区的合作,通过社区服务,激励学生成为变革世界中具有原则、富有创新精神的贡献者。

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Best wishes, 

SIS Communications


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