
VEX First Prize|SIS G4 Student Lily|VEX机器人比赛一等奖

发布者:SIS深圳市蛇口外籍人员子女学校 2024-05-09 09:19:22

Congratulations to our G4 student, Lily, for her outstanding performance in the VEX Robotics Competitions. Her achievements bring pride to SIS and showcase her incredible potential in the world of technology.

Lily has secured top honours in several prestigious robotics competitions, including first prize in the 14th VEX Asian Robot Championship China Selection, and multiple awards in the VEX Robotics Asia Open and International Signature Competitions. Her dedication and passion for robotics shine through in every project she undertakes.

Lily is a student who loves challenges, enjoys critical thinking and is diligent in practice. Her interest in robotics stems from her childhood love for Lego. With her proficiency in operating Lego, she gradually developed a deep interest in robotics technology and embarked on rigorous training and competitions. Lily shared that she enjoys solving problems while building robots and programming.

At SIS, we prioritise fostering students' interests and talents, providing a safe, open, and inclusive environment where they can flourish. Lily expressed that SIS gives her a sense of belonging, and the teachers and classmates have given her tremendous encouragement and strength. This encouragement and support are essential sources of motivation for her when facing challenges and solving problems, making her more confident and composed in competitions.

As Lily excels in robotics, we extend our best wishes for her future endeavours to achieve tremendous success.

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Best wishes, 

SIS Communications

我们热烈祝贺深圳市蛇口外籍人员子女学校 (SIS) 四年级学生Lily,在VEX机器人竞赛中斩获佳绩。Lily的卓越才能不仅为 SIS 带来了荣誉,更让我们看到Lily在技术领域的无限潜力。

Lily 在多个重量级机器人竞赛中拔得头筹,包括在2023第十四届VEX亚洲机器人锦标赛中国选拔赛夺得一等奖,以及在VEX机器人亚洲公开赛和国际签名大赛中屡获殊荣。她对机器人的热爱和专注在每一个项目中都闪耀着光芒。




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Best wishes, 

SIS Communications


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