
中加名师辑录之——Ms.Jodi Crandlemire: 寓教于乐 激励成长

发布者:深圳南山中加学校SCCSC 2024-07-10 08:41:55


今日人物:Jodi Crandlemire

加方戏剧艺术课程教师,社团指导教师,毕业于加拿大New Brunswick大学,主修法语教学尤其是如何用外语进行戏剧表演,曾在意大利进修戏剧教学。25年教学经验,已在深圳(南山)中加学校任教10年。




















I’ve been teaching for 25 years and feel like I’m the luckiest person in the world to have the privilege to teach grade 12 Theatre Arts at SCCSC.  I studied education at the University of New Brunswick with a major in teaching French as a Foreign Language.  At UNB, I learned how to use drama in a foreign language classroom; also, I took a brief course on using drama in the classroom in Italy.  

Having been at SCCSC for ten years, I have had the tremendous opportunity for personal growth, and I’ve been able to guide students in developing their own leadership skills through experiential learning in the field of SEL (Social Emotional Learning).  I recently furthered my education by studying a short course about business leadership at the University of Oxford Said Business School, which reinforced my belief that everyone has a place in this world and that diversity in the workplace creates the best teams.  We are all different, and learning skills of cooperation and acceptance of others and who we are starts now, whether we are working as a CEO in a high-performing business or a high school student at SCCSC.

My personal motto is “Inspiring others”.  Students at SCCSC plan to study abroad.  I believe in developing a passion for our life journey and a desire for lifelong learning.  With the right skills, our students will go out into the world and lead strong teams who create their own goals and develop personally and professionally.  We all have the responsibility to educate ourselves and inspire others to do the same.

 In theatre arts, we play a lot of games for developing teamwork.  Students learn to trust and support each other and therefore develop confidence in a safe environment.  Through performing in front of their classmates, students get to play the role of a variety of characters.  The important part is they get to entertain each other and take joy in learning. 

 One of the things I love about SCCSC is that our students are respectful, have a desire to learn English and are willing to try new things.  It takes confidence for students to perform in front of classmates, and especially to do it in English.  It is inspiring to see them grow.

 I motivate students to learn by playing games to develop spontaneity, creativity and teamwork, as well as confidence in their ability to use a powerful voice and body language to help them portray a character.

The best advice I would give for students to be successful in Theatre Arts is for them to be confident and believe in themselves.  If we can accept ourselves for who we are, we can conquer the world.


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