
Hat Ceremony | 哈罗帽冠于头顶,荣誉谨记心间

发布者:Harrow哈罗礼德横琴 2024-03-01 08:29:57

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除了新生们郑重戴上哈罗帽,真正成为哈罗人,新来的老师们也会欣喜地领到属于他们的“哈罗帽” —— 枚金光闪闪的哈罗帽胸针。这枚胸针是哈罗教职工的专属标志,在庄重场合或对外交流时,佩戴在胸前的金色哈罗帽,都会与他们温暖的笑容交相辉映。

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Mr. Christoper Booth


Mr. Booth 有着多领域而丰富的教育和工作经历,他在林肯大学修读动画制作,后于曼彻斯特城市大学取得PGCE(Postgraduate Certificate in Education)证书和SCITT (School-Centred Initial Teacher Training) 证书。去年,他在牛津布鲁克斯大学完成特殊教育硕士(MA in Education (SEND)) 的学习。他有着超过10年的教育经验,曾任教于多所英国当地小学和中国国际学校。作为一名经验丰富的小学老师,他致力于营造一个鼓励交流、创造和合作的学习环境。在中国各地的教学经历,让他认识到建立一个安全、支持性的学习环境十分重要,以促进相互尊重、善意和理解。此外,他还曾任职于英国阿德曼动画公司,为风靡全球的定格动画《超级无敌掌门狗》建模!

Mr. Bryan Hogrefe


Mr. Hogrefe来自美国。在西康涅狄格州立大学学习期间,他主修英语和比较文学,辅修专业为历史。他在美国和中国都有着多年教学经验,语言学专业的背景让他尤其擅长雅思、托福考试教学,因为他懂得如何带领非母语的学生学习英语。而曾组织中国学生参加美国文化研学项目的经验,让他敏锐地洞察到双语学习者的课堂所需的内容、技巧和方法,比如很基本的一点是双语学生不仅需要教材,还需要将教材按核心内容分解剖析。同时他还是汉语水平考试(HSK)1级学习者,也十分热衷使用新式教学软件等 “黑科技” 优化他的课堂。

Ms. Ivy Shan



Ms. Caroline Wen



Ms. Kathrine Meng



Ms. Tracy Tang


唐老师于四川外国语大学取得英语学士学位和英语语言文学硕士学位,并于英国埃塞克斯大学取得TEFL(Teaching English as a Foreign Language英语作为第二语言教学)硕士学位。唐老师从事多语种学生的教学工作已近8年,在澳门和英国的执教经历让她积累了丰富的实践经验,她善于采用灵活的教学方法、设计互动活动和小组项目,寓教于乐,同时看重每个孩子的品格发展。她坚信全人教育包括智力和社会情感的共同成长,而这需要为学生创造一个支持性、有吸引力的学习环境。




作为哈罗人,我们致力于弘扬 "育以至善,卓以领航 "的理念,秉持哈罗四大核心价值观:勇气、荣誉、谦和、互助,奋力前行。每一天,我们都躬身笃行这些信念,并引以为豪。









For hundreds of years, 

scholars from all over the world 

have visited Harrow admiringly

 just to put on the Harrow hat, 

to pursue knowledge and dreams 

in this very best school

The Harrow Hat (rightmost) was first seen in the early 1900s as part of cricket dress. Through time, this uniquely shaped handmade straw hat became part of Harrow’s uniform. Nowadays, the Harrow Hat remains a shared symbol of Harrovians around the world. In the UK, they must wear their hats when going to and from lessons every day; while in Asia, international Harrovians wear it on Assembly, Speech Day, school concert, and other major occasions.

The Head Master's awarding of the Harrow Hat signifies that a new student has truly become a Harrovian, making the Hat Ceremony one of the most important ceremonies at the start of a new term, and one of the long standing traditions with distinctive Harrow characteristics.

Hat Ceremony

On Monday morning, the whole school gathered in the auditorium to witness the Hat Ceremony for the second semester of the 2023/24 school year. One by one, the new students came up to the stage, received the Harrow Hat from the Head Master, Dr. Max Caruso, and responded with a capping gesture.

With a heritage of over 450 years, Harrow Schools are not only a temple of knowledge, but also forming a shining avenue of stars built by every Harrovian through a lifetime of living the values of Courage, Honour, Humility and Fellowship. During our time at Harrow Hengqin, these four Harrow values are embodied in every aspect of our school life, guiding our heart to pursuit excellence.

Click on the picture

and find out the meaning of each Harrow value!


In addition to the new students who solemnly put on their Harrow hats, the new teachers will also be pleased to receive their own "Harrow Hat" - a shiny gold Harrow hat pin. This pin is the exclusive symbol of Harrow staff. In major occasions, they wear this golden Harrow hat on their chests, mirroring their warm smiles.

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We have also welcomed a number of excellent new teachers to join the Harrow Hengqin family in the new semester, let's get to know them! We look forward to their professionalism, enthusiasm and dedication to bring more excitement to the Harrow community!

Mr. Christoper Booth

Grade 3 Form Tutor

Mr. Booth has had a varied education and work experience. He studied Animation at the University of Lincoln, and later obtained his PGCE (Postgraduate Certificate in Education) and SCITT (School-Centred Initial Teacher Training) at Manchester Metropolitan University. Last year he completed his MA in Education (SEND) at Oxford Brookes University. He has over 10 years of experience in teaching in primary schools in the UK and Chinese international schools. As an experienced primary school teacher, he is dedicated to cultivating a learning environment that encourages communication, creativity, and collaboration. Throughout his teaching experience across China, he has learnt the value of building a safe and supportive learning environment that fosters mutual respect, kindness and understanding. Prior to working in education, Mr. Booth has worked for Aardman Animations Ltd. in the UK, where he was a model maker on such productions as Wallace & Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death. 

Mr. Bryan Hogrefe

English Teacher

Mr. Hogrefe is from the United States. At Western Connecticut State University, he majored in English and Comparative Language and minored in History. He has many years of teaching experience in both the United States and China. With a background in linguistics, he is particularly good at teaching IELTS and TOEFL, as he has acquired considerable skills teaching students whose mother tongue differs from his own. With his experience of organising cultural study programmes for Chinese students in the United States, he has gained a keen insight into knowing what bilingual students need in the classroom in order to succeed. He knows firsthand that bilingual students require not only a presentation of material, but that the material also needs to be broken down into its core components.  He is also a HSK Level 1 learner and is passionate about using new teaching software and other innovative technology to upgrade his teaching methods. 

Ms. Ivy Shan

Mandarin Teacher

Ms. Shan studied International Chinese Education in Wuhan and Hong Kong, and holds multiple teaching qualifications covering education in kindergarten to high school. She is passionate about teaching and has extensive experience in implementing inquiry-based and student-centred teaching and is committed to creating a learning environment that allows students to reach their full potential. She places great emphasis on treating students with respect, empathy and keeping an open mind, and encourages students to actively participate in collaborative work and discussions and to raise their ideas confidently, thus developing their critical thinking and communication skills.

Ms. Caroline Wen

Class Practitioner

Ms. Wen studied English as her bachelor’s degree and later obtained a Master's Degree in International Communication and Cooperation from the University of Milan, Italy. She holds intermediate language certificates in Italian and German, as well as a multi-grade teaching qualification and an International Chinese Teacher's Certificate. She has lived in Europe for 6 years, where she taught and trained both children and adolescents in Germany and Italy. The overseas and domestic experience have given her a deep appreciation for the importance of guiding and stimulating children's initiative and creativity in their learning rather than the traditional way of teaching, and has led her to focus her teaching on helping students to discover their own passions and talents.

Ms. Kathrine Meng

Class Practitioner

Ms. Meng majored in International Affairs and International Relationship in her undergraduate studies, and later obtained a Master's Degree in Educational Studies from the University of Glasgow, UK. Her years of experience in an international education environment have given her a solid academic foundation, excellent intercultural communication experience and the ability of interdisciplinary learning. She firmly believes that the responsibility of educators is not only to impart knowledge, but also to inspire students to find their passion and interest in learning, so that they can enjoy challenging themselves and have the confidence and ability to solve problems and become lifelong learners.

Ms. Tracy Tang

Class Practitioner

Ms Tang holds a Bachelor's degree in English and a Master's degree in English Language and Literature from the Sichuan International Studies University, and a Master's degree in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) from the University of Essex, UK. Ms Tang has been teaching multilingual students for nearly 8 years and has gained a wealth of practical experience from teaching in Macau and the UK. She is committed to providing flexible teaching methods, designing interactive activities and group projects to make students’ learning process enjoyable, and at the same time valuing the character development of each child. She strongly believes that a holistic education involves both intellectual and socio-emotional growth, which requires a supportive and engaging learning environment for students.

Dr. Max Caruso

Head Master

It is my great pleasure to welcome our new families and students as well as our new staff to Harrow Hengqin.

As a Harrovian, as Harrovians, we dedicate ourselves to enlivening the idea of Educational Excellence for Life and Leadership as well as devoting ourselves to our Four Core Values, Courage Honour, Humility and Fellowship. We live these ideals and model them every day.

To be a Harrovian is to be invited … it carries expectations, it carries a way of being and conduct that must be always exemplar. With these expectations, may all of our new staff and students enjoy the ongoing journey of Harrow.

Welcome All! Harrovians!

May this centuries-old

Harrow hat with deep meaning

remind all students and teachers of Harrow Hengqin

to remember the honour in their hearts

and open a splendid chapter of 2024!


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