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SHBS喜报 | 祝贺宏润博源荣获2024 AP课程拓展奖!

发布时间:2024-10-28 08:29

在2024年10月19日于上海同济大学举办的美国大学理事会中国年会上,上海宏润博源高级中学的外方校长Chris Moses先生和教务长林女士出席了会议,与海外顶尖大学招生官共同交流了当前国际教育的趋势和动态,了解AP课程及考试在海外大学录取的认可度。Chris 受邀上台跟其他国际高中校长探讨在保证课程质量的情况,从师资、课程设计、社区文化等不同维度满足学生多元的求学需求。

On October 19, 2024, at the annual College Board China Conference held at Tongji University in Shanghai, Mr. Moses, the foreign principal of SHBS, and Ms. Lin Chuman, the academic director, attended the conference. They engaged in discussions with admission officers from top overseas universities about current trends and developments in international education and the recognition of AP courses and exams in overseas university admissions. Chris was invited to the stage to discuss with other international high school principals how to meet the diverse educational needs of students while ensuring the quality of the curriculum, from different dimensions such as faculty, curriculum design, and community culture.


At this grand event, the College Board recognized the efforts and achievements of some AP schools, and SHBS was honored with the "2024 Award for Expanding AP Access in China". This award acknowledges the school's outstanding contributions to the establishment and promotion of AP courses.

自2018年获得美国大学理事会(College Board)官方认证以来,宏润博源一直致力于AP课程的教育和推广,取得了优异的考试成绩和升学成果。通过不断扩充和优化AP课程,我们不仅提升了学生的学术水平,还为他们进入世界名校提供了坚实的基础。

Since obtaining official certification from the College Board in 2018, SHBS has been committed to the education and promotion of AP courses, achieving excellent exam results and college admission outcomes. By continuously expanding and optimizing AP courses, we have not only improved students' academic levels but also provided a solid foundation for them to enter prestigious universities around the world.


Our AP courses cover various fields such as mathematics and computer science, language and culture, humanities and social sciences, and natural sciences. Recently, we have added AP Seminar, AP Government, and AP Pre-calculus courses according to student needs, which have been widely praised by our students. Looking to the future, we will continue to strive to ensure that students gain more knowledge and growth in their AP course studies.

